Thursday, March 18, 2010

Good thing I'm not the President

Yesterday morning I had a half hour conversation with my parents discussing the top presidentiables for the upcoming national elections. If you know me and you know my parents, having this conversation would be equivalent to having CBCP publicly accept that condoms are not the cause of sin, or probably something as mind shattering as seeing Nicanor Perlas (whom I admire as an individual) win the presidential race.

Conversations in my family are very limited and often mundane but the short exchange of quips and quibbles gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, our political system still has a chance to one day step into greatness. Or maybe I’m just high from the double espresso I had added to my drink a few hours back.

I am not a political analyst. I’m not an economist and not a lawyer. I have no experience in leading any group in a national level (international level only hahaha). Though of very limited knowledge and experience, just like every other Pinoy, I too have my own ideas of how I want the country managed. Some are worth looking into while others are but a flim-flam of whimsical ideas brought about by the general notion that the government is being lead by a troll (yes in size too!) and that pixie dusts can somehow give us the Wonderland we deserve and wish for.

On top of my list would be to see a negative growth in the country’s birth rate once every 3-5 years. I could only imagine the kind of nightmare that would be for the people who needs to implement them but I’m a firm believer that overpopulation will eventually kill the country. This year we’ve imported all kinds of basic commodities, rice and sugar sweetly topping everything up. How long before the entire country collapses under its own weight? Not too long from now methinks. We can not survive by ourselves anymore and the more dependent we become the more susceptible we are to hunger and everything else that leads and follows it.

If I can have my way I’d make it mandatory to have individuals living in the top 10 cities in the country who falls below the poverty line to be monitored by health workers. Couples with 2 kids should undergo mandatory ligation and vasectomy. Yes, both of them. Single mothers with 2 or more kids are also mandated to undergo ligation. Men over the age of 35 years old, whether single or married, should undergo mandatory vasectomy.

My suggestion may sound too radical but we’re a country of radicals. A President who said “I’m sorry” after admitting to rigging the election results. An actor President found guilty of plunder. A senator who’s been in ‘public service’ for the past 49 years without any thoughts of retiring. A convicted rapist who got elected as a mayor and who continued to ’serve’ behind bars. A family of political scums who kills for sport. A group of individuals who believes that preventive measures used for personal health is equivalent to abortion.

Now who’s radically inept? Me or these headcracks that the people decided to follow and elect?

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